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Welcome To The New Digital Alchemy

Digital Alchemy is adapting to meet the new challenges we all face from an ever growing internet & cyber security perspective. We are living in a very different world now than we were even a year or two ago.

Hundreds, sometimes thousands of breach attempts are made on your website every week. Small businesses get hacked because they are usually the ones with the least amount of security and therefore are a primary target for hackers. Here are some basic stats that aren’t going away anytime soon.


More than 30,000 websites get hacked every day, mostly small businesses.


Security breaches have increased nearly 70% in the last few years.


The FBI reported a 300% increase in the number of cybercrime cases during the first year of COVID-19.


98% of WordPress vulnerabilities are due to common plugins being out of date.

We’re not just bringing enterprise level security to small businesses. We’re also putting into place an easier way for you to have regular access to Digital Alchemy experts for ongoing advice and guidance by including content updates and marketing consultations into your monthly hosting cost.

As a result our previous hosting packages will be discontinued as of June 1, 2021. Below we explain our new services, and package options as well as how to get started with your upgrade.

So what is changing?

We’ve been working very hard over the past 12 months to develop a new way of hosting and managing websites that both helps keep your website more secure and helps you become more profitable.
  1. We’ve completely reinvented our technology infrastructure to better protect your website and it’s data, all while increasing your website’s speed and performance capabilities.
  2. We’ve created three all-inclusive service plans that give you more of our time and expert guidance for one straight forward monthly fee. No more invoices for simple website updates, everything you need is already included.

How this change benefits you.

Global Edge Security

  • Enterprise-grade threat detection and prevention
  • Network capacity 15x the largest DDoS attack to absorb distributed attacks
  • Security protection against top OWASP security vulnerabilities

Increased Performance

  • State of the art cloud computing hosting environments
  • Scalable on demand performance
  • CDN content delivery

Proactive Marketing

  • Content updates included
  • Monthly virtual marketing consultations
  • Improved communication

Our Management Plans

Hosting & Service Plan
/Month per Site

This plan is perfect for small businesses and start-ups with lower content volume and infrequent updates.

  • Best in Class High Performance Wordpress Hosting
  • Monthly Core Wordpress Themes & Plugin Updates
  • Daily Backups with 1-Click Restoration
  • Security & Malware Monitoring
  • 24/7 Uptime Monitoring
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • 30 min. of Website Edits
  • Free Website Migration
Business Plus
Hosting & Service Plan
/Month per Site

This plan fits the majority of small to mid-sized businesses with frequent updates, a larger volume of content, and constant growth.

  • All of Business and…
  • Advanced Enterprise Global Edge Security
  • Lightning Fast CDN Edge Delivery
  • Smart Plugin AI Management & Upgrades
  • Monthly Website Speed Boost
  • 1 Hour of Website Edits
  • Database Cleanup & Optimization
  • 30 min. of Development Time
  • 30 min. of Scheduled Virtual Marketing Consultation
  • Google Search Console Setup
  • Google Analytics Integration
  • Hack & Malware Clean Up
  • Priority Support
Business Advanced
Hosting & Service Plan
/Month per Site

This plan is great for the larger businesses with high volume of content and ambitious expansion strategies. If you’re a growth minded company this plan is for you.

  • All Business Plus and…
  • 2 Hours of Website Edits
  • 1 hour of Development Time
  • 1 hour Scheduled Virtual Marketing Consultation
  • Staging Server
  • Website Image & Performance Optimization
  • Keyword Reports
  • Analytics Reports

Schedule Your Upgrade

Please use the appointment scheduler below to schedule your zoom call with Mike Dickerman. Mike will answer your questions during this call and get your website migration to our new platform scheduled.