Phase 5 - Live Site


During this week we will focus on fine-tuning the site and completing any additional design/copy edits. We will also create any social media integrations as needed and install tracking code for analytics and search engine performance. Once these are completed and approved, it’s time to launch!

Behind the Scenes

Once final coding corrections are made, email services are tested, and the site undergoes its final quality assurance assessment, we’ll seek your approval for launch. Once approved, we’ll deploy your new website from its staging environment to its live environment and your new website will be available to the public and officially launched.

Client Expectations
Team Contacts

Plan your project

Ready to get started? Schedule a time with us to discuss your
goals and learn how we can help you reach them.


We hope you’ve found this guide useful.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions by calling
Mike at 704-608-5783 or emailing